Garage Floor Epoxy for Storage Units

If you are the proud owner of a storage comapny for example keepsafe storage units, you’ll agree that whether it is indoor or outdoor you know one very important fact: storage units see a LOT of action. There seem to be two different types of renters when it comes to storage units. There is the first type, which tends to organize everything and makes sure that everything is placed inside the unit in an orderly fashion. They may even stop to alphabetize everything, you never know. The second type is the kind that every storage unit owner dreads: the type that simply drops everything into the storage unit and shoves it against the wall as hard as they can, hoping that the door actually closes. That’s on top of keeping everything like the units managed and organized and ensure that those renters keep up with their payments. There are, luckily, storage management software to help owners keep up with all of this, if you are an owner of a storage unit and you want to check out a storage management software, you might want to View Site here for more information. These are the types of people that usually end up with the entire content of their unit up for auction at some point, but we digress.

No matter which type of renter you have, if you’re renting from somewhere like Lock Up Garages, there are a few things that you can be certain of. The first thing is that scratches happen, especially when furniture or other heavy items are being dragged against the concrete floor. The second, is the inevitable spill. You never know what people are going to be putting inside their storage units and there is a good chance that you never actually ask. You can have a specific set of guidelines, but in the end, you can’t just go through every single box that people pull off the back of their truck.

You could have anything from oil spills to soda, and every single thing in between. You probably also know that when they do this, they never stick around to clean it up. Not only is this a hassle for you to clean, you have probably also found that it can cause damage to your units, considering concrete is very easy to stain or crack. One of the best solutions is to use a garage floor epoxy, which is an outstanding way to bring new life to an old floor.

Why Garage Floor Epoxy is the Best Solution for your Storage Unit

Armor GarageAs we said in the previous paragraph you’re going to end up experiencing a number of different problems with renters and the first one we are going to address is spills. Let’s take sticky substances for our first example. You never know how long a renter is going to hold onto a storage unit, but if something spills in there, you also never know if they’re going to clean it up. It could literally be sitting on the floor for days, for weeks, or even for years; you never know honestly. All you know is that when they leave, they’re not going to be cleaning it up. Now you have a problem. If it’s a standard concrete floor, you’re going to be on your hands and knees trying to scrub it up, and there is a good chance that it will never actually come up. It will probably even soak into the floor! If you have an epoxy flooring however, a good mopping and perhaps even some pressure washing will take care of the problem – it’s really nothing you need to worry about.

Along with being easy to clean, epoxy tends to be much more resistant to absorption simply because garage floor epoxy actually seals the floor, making it completely impervious. In addition to that you have to protect your floor from the wear and tear from dollies, pallet jacks and hand trucks rolling in and out all day, everyday. ArmorGarage epoxy systems are forklift rated. It’s hard to imagine anything much better than that. Of course, the durability factor will be much better if you use our military grade topcoat, it will protect the epoxy itself and keep your floor looking new for a lot longer. Then once the clear topcoat begins to wear you simply roll on a new clear topcoat and the whole floor comes right back to new without ever having to redo the epoxy paint itself. The products from Armor Garage are resilient, and much more durable than the big box items that you would normally purchase from a store – don’t miss out on making your storage units virtually invincible.

Get Your Floor in Gear

Garage epoxy flooring has many different uses, as you have undoubtedly already discovered. From the garage, to the storage unit, and even the workshop; don’t make the mistake of going with a lesser brand, go with the product offered by Armor Garage and get your floor in gear.
