Daily Archives: April 11, 2016

Four Chemical Spills a Garage Epoxy Floor can Repel

Epoxy floor benefits

garage epoxy flooringThere are a number of great reasons to invest in garage floor epoxy for your workshop, garage, or even inside your home, and you’ve probably heard that there are some amazing benefits. We aren’t going to argue, but before we go any further, let’s talk briefly about what epoxy is and how it can benefit you. First of all, epoxy is, without a doubt, one of the most crucial upgrades that you can make to a garage floor. You may also want to make it aesthetically pleasing by landscaping around the garage. Many tend to mistake epoxy for paint, but it is most definitely not standard paint.

If you prepare your floor properly before application then you will find that it is able to withstand small impacts, scratches, and a plethora of other potential issues. The bottom line, is that garage epoxy saves you money, even if it costs a bit to get it properly applied. These points we mentioned should be enough to make anyone consider applying it to their floor, but what if we were to tell you that there is more to it? That’s right we’re talking about chemical spills.

Hazards of Garage Life

When you’re in the garage anything can happen, and chemical spills are right at the top of the list. You should always take the utmost precautions when it comes to storing chemicals, something like a Storemasta cabinet is the ideal solution as they have a number of features designed to minimize the damage caused by spillages. However, accidents do happen and the question you need to ask yourself, is how do you compensate for those spills? Concrete floors are porous, and as such they will absorb virtually anything that is spilled on them. Have you ever spilled water on a concrete garage floor? Did the water remain standing, or did it eventually disappear? Many mistake this for a different process known as evaporation, but the water is actually being absorbed into the concrete. That isn’t necessarily good for your floor, but it is tame compared to the other substances that can be spilled. Corrosives, for example, could find their way into your concrete floor and cause serious damage. It could damage your garage door as well and then you might need the assistance of a company similar to Garage Door Repair company Denver. Let’s talk about a few chemicals you will need to watch out for, and that a good garage epoxy flooring can compensate for.

Battery AcidIf you store cars in your garage or if you park golf carts or other small engine items this is bound to happen. Maybe you’re not a mechanic, and maybe you aren’t one to constantly go under the hood, but at some point you may need to change the battery, or you may need to have someone else do it for you. Batteries leak, and the substance within them is most definitely a corrosive – something that you will want to think about when you’re doing any sort of automotive work. Have no fear battery acid has no effect on our garage epoxy coatings!

Fuel/OilJust as with battery acid, this is the one that happens quite often, and it is actually far more likely your vehicle will drip some oil on the floor. Leaks are inevitable, and there is a good chance you’ve seen at least one garage floor covered in oil stains – you don’t want your garage floor to be like that, not by any stretch of the imagination. That being said, you must make sure to protect your floor from these leaks – at least if you want it to last for the foreseeable future. Nothing looks nastier than an dirty oil stained concrete floor. Keep your floor from becoming that ugly stained floor constantly needing stain removing cleaner with our easy to apply garage epoxy kits.

Paint ­– It’s harder to clean paint off of your garage floor than you might think. The problem, as we mentioned before, is the porous nature of concrete. It will absorb the paint, and it will be very difficult to remove it completely. With an ArmorGarage epoxy coating with a topcoat you never have to worry about paint spills. Paint will wipe off like water runs off a duck’s back!

BeveragesYou might not think of an ice cold glass of Coca-Cola as a chemical but let’s face it, if you can dissolve a nail in the substance in under a week, it’s not something you want to spill on your garage floor. Your ArmorGarage floor can even withstand the dreaded Coca-Cola spill!

The Epoxy Difference

ArmorGarageWith the right garage floor epoxy coating you will have a floor that can not only reject those spills, but also one that is very easy to clean. You won’t need to spend all day scrubbing; the chemical resistant floor will be able to reject the spills, and with its non-porous nature, you won’t have to worry about anything being absorbed, making cleaning a breeze.

Now would be a great time to start looking into the different types of epoxy flooring we offer, whether you find yourself interested in a standard garage coating, or if you want to the commercial or industrial system for even more protection. We have an epoxy system for any floor and any level of protection needed from any type of chemical spill that could occur within your garage.